Monday, August 24, 2020

Death sentence Essays - Penology, Capital Punishment, Death Row

Capital punishment Essays - Penology, Capital Punishment, Death Row Deferred EXECUTION AND ITS FORBEARANCE UNDER ARTICLE 21 The AFP as of late analyzed the time a prisoner spends waiting for capital punishment among condemning and execution and addressed if detainees are being rebuffed twice with long haul detainment and execution. They found a normal prisoner goes through 13 years waiting for capital punishment, with some going through 30 years or more. Craig Haney, teacher of brain science at the University of California, Santa Cruz and master on detainees held in separation, stated, Individuals waiting for capital punishment live under the danger of death, which is obviously an unprecedented mental injury, and they are prevented most from claiming the manners in which that individuals make life in jail progressively fair: important social movement, programming of any sort, exercises. U.S. Incomparable Court Justice John-Paul Stevens, for a situation including a detainee who had gone through 29 years waiting for capital punishment, stated, The defer itself subjects death row detainees to many years of p articularly extreme dehumanizing states of restriction. Capital punishment Capital punishment has been a method of discipline since days of yore. The contentions for and against has not changed a lot throughout the years. Now of time when the issue [whether the death penalty must be annulled or not] is as yet seething, it will be proper to remind ourselves regarding how the governing bodies and the pinnacle Court have managed this issue each opportunity it has come up before them. Strategy When Death sentence is Imposed Exceptional Reasons The court needs to record exceptional explanations behind overwhelming capital punishment. Affirmation by High Court Court of Session in the wake of passing a capital punishment will present the procedures to the High Court, and the sentence will not be executed except if it is affirmed by the High Court. The court passing the sentence will at that point submit the indicted individual to imprison care under a warrant. Enquiry and Additional Evidence The High Court while managing affirmation may arrange further request be made into, or extra proof taken upon, any point bearing upon, any point bearing upon the blameworthy or honesty of the indicted individual. No organization for affirmation No structure for affirmation will be made until the period took into account leaning toward an intrigue has terminated, or if any intrigue is introduced inside such period, until such intrigue is discarded. For each situation so presented, the affirmation of the sentence, or any new sentence or request passed by the High Court, will when such court comprises of at least two appointed authorities , be made, passed and marked by in any event two of them. Duplicate of Order Sent to Court of Session In cases put together by the court of meeting to the High Court for the affirmation of a sentence of death, the best possible official of the High Court will ,immediately, after the request for affirmation or other request has been made by the High Court, send a duplicate of the request under the seal of the High Court and confirmed with his official mark, to the court of meeting. Where an individual is condemned to death and an intrigue from its judgment lies the execution of the sentence will be delayed until the period took into consideration inclining toward such intrigue has lapsed, or if an intrigue is favored inside that period, until such intrigue is discarded. Deferment of Death Sentence on Pregnant Woman On the off chance that a lady condemned to death is seen as pregnant, the High Court will arrange the execution of the sentence to be deferred and may, on the off chance that it thinks fit, drive the sentence to detainment forever. Method Of Execution The issue viewing the lawfulness of hanging as a method of execution came up under the steady gaze of the Supreme Court in Deena v. Association of India {[1993] 4 SCC 645}, however the court declared that it was a legal capacity to test into the sensibility of a method of discipline, it would not hold the method of hanging as being violative of Article 21 of the constitution. This issue was by and by brought up in Shashi Nayar {1992 SCC [CRI] 24] the court held that since the issue had just been considered in Deena, there was no rhyme or reason to take an alternate view. Another issue which merits consideration is open hanging as a method of execution. The issue

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Iran and Us Relations

Worldwide Relations Between Iran and the United States | |Group Paper | |Jorge Goytizolo, Donna Linares, Reuben Mateus | |INB3550 †International Business | |Dr. Veronica Diaz, Professor | |10/10/2010 | We mean to introduce how the two nations; Iran and the United States, are influenced financially by the offensive relationship they have manufactured, which has additionally intensified because of the United Nations Security Council having added extra authorizes to Iran. Substance will include: History of the US and Iran residential and business relations. o Iran’s OPEC connection and history alongside current Iranian choices which are influencing its way to deal with business relations with the United Nations and the remainder of the world. o United States connection with the United Nations and how our most recent choice towards Iran is influencing the UN and its way to deal with the business approaches with Iran. o US and Iran International Business way to deal with the w orld. o Direct US and Iran Relations. History of the US and Iran residential and business relations. The History of United States-Iran relations go back to the 1800’s, however has gotten progressively unstable in directly throughout the last half century.One can't talk about United States-Iranian history without watching the 1953 Coup, which has been refered to as the â€Å"turning point† in United States-Iran relations. The 1953 Coup was a clandestine activity headed by America's Central Intelligence Agency and has been archived as the Agency's first fruitful oust of a remote government. The Aim of the 1953 Coup, code named Operation AJAX, was to bring to control an Iranian government â€Å"which would arrive at an impartial oil settlement, empowering Iran to turn out to be monetarily solid and monetarily dissolvable, and which would enthusiastically indict the perilously solid Communist Party† (Iran Chamber Society, n. d. ) â€Å"Early in the 1960's, the Shah of Iran, declared social and financial changes yet wouldn't give wide political freedom.Iranian Nationalist censured his United States upheld system and his westernizing of Iran. During revolting in 1963, the Shah split down, stifling his resistance. Among those captured and banished was a famous strict patriot and severe enemy of the United States, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini† (Jimmy Carter Library ; Museum, 2006). During his United States sponsored rule, the Shah burned through billions of oil dollars on military weapons, yet before long started to lose well known help. â€Å"Unable to continue financial advancement and reluctant to extend popularity based opportunities, the Shah's system fallen in revolution† (Jimmy Carter Library and Museum, 2006), making him escape January 16, 1979.With the flight of the Shah, the banished Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came back to Iran in February of 1979 carrying frenzied enemy of Americanism with him. In the midst of talk and dread of another United States drove Coup and an arrival to intensity of the banished Shah Reza Pahlavi, a gathering from the Iranian Student Union assumed control over issues by holding onto the American Embassy. Inside the American Embassy the understudies held 52 Americans prisoner for 444 days. The United States reacted by freezing billions of Iranian resources, including bank stores, gold, and other property. This occasion got known as the 1979 Hostage Crisis. The 1979 Hostage Crisis had drawn residential reactions against President Jimmy Carter.Criticisms of President Carter further developed with bombed salvage endeavors of the American prisoners, some of which brought about the passings of American Soldiers whose bodies were strutted before TV cameras by irate Iranians. This political bad dream forestalled President Carter's offered for re-appointment and immediately found some conclusion the day President Ronald Regan was initiated January 20, 1981. The Iran-Iraq War, whic h kept going from 1980-1988, assumed a noteworthy job in United States-Iran relations. The United Nations Security Council gave goals requiring all its part states to stay away from adding to the Iran-Iraq struggle, and is the reason the United States at first chose to take a nonpartisan position.Although it had provided the two nations with weapons, the United States concluded that an Iranian success would end up being impeding to their inclinations in the district and started to put their help behind an Iraqi Regime drove by President Saddam Hussein. This help came as advances, some of which profited United States businesses and all while the nation of Iran was being pounded with numerous American authorized assents. In the 1990's the United States put more authorizes on Iran. In 1995, President Bill Clinton restricted United States speculations with Iran, disallowing all business and money related exchanges with Iran. This measure was terrible, as exchange relations between the t wo countries had started to increment after the finish of the Iran-Iraq War.In 1996, the United States went into law one of its most rigid measures to influence Iran, the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act. Intended to forestall Iran's capacity to get its hands on weapons of mass decimation and reserve fear monger gatherings, the Iran-Libya Sanction Act forced punishments on every single remote organization that gave ventures over $20 million dollars for the improvement of Energy Sector (oil) in Iran. Any advancement made in United States-Iran relations late in President Clinton's subsequent term was before long overlooked, as the new American President George W. Bramble came into office. The occasions on September 11, 2001 have scarred relations among America and Iran to a point that shows up irreparable.Although Iran was not engaged with the 9/11 assaults, the United States feels Iran harbors and supports the psychological militant who undermine America and it's inclinations. The United Sta tes and Iran are not at war, however the two nations have peppered each other in the course of the most recent decade with expository rockets. A portion of the allegations incorporate the dread of Iran's atomic weapons aspirations and its supposed participation to the â€Å"Axis of Evil†, while Iran feels the infringement of United States army installations in the area give motivation to advancing deadly implements and political jousting. In spite of every nation's scorn for one another the two nations keep on working together. â€Å"U. S. Fares to Iran developed more than ten times during President Bush's a long time in office even as supporting terrorist† (Associated Press, 2008).The Bush Administration utilized authorization exceptions to dispatch an assortment of merchandise to Iran extending from aroma and hide dress to cigarettes and bull semen. Both the United States and Iran joined the United Nations on October 24, 1945, anyway the United States speaks to 1 of 5 changeless individuals from the United Nations Security Council and Iran is presently not by any means a non-perpetual part. Despite the fact that Iran isn't an individual from the Security Council, it has two ground-breaking partners in China and Russia who are lasting individuals. The most recent choices towards Iran have clearly been influencing the guidelines presently forced by the United Nations Security Council. Assents gave by the Security Council are essentially expected to disturb progress in Iran's capacity to acquire atomic weapons and assemble it's military.United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice declared at the Security Council meeting that the goals will target 40 substances and one individual, Javad Rihiqi, leader of an atomic focus where the Iranian government has uranium. It was accounted for that China, one of Iran's biggest exchanging accomplices, had pushed back on progressively tough language, saying that more extensive limitations †par ticularly those focusing on Iran's Central Bank â€would â€Å"harm Iran's everyday economy† (Wagner, 2010). Russia has been hesitant to help United States sponsored sanctions, as Iran and Russia exchange the scope of billions of dollars every year. From 2002 to 2008 Russia and China sent out a consolidated 80 percent (by dollar estimation) of Iran's arms.These sanctions are currently being perceived inside the United Nations Security Council, yet in addition by money related forces, for example, the European Union. Under the strain of authorizations and the Iran-Libya Sanction Act, a few individuals from the European Union have been reproachful of the United States making it bargain on the principal venture refered to as an infringement of the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act by forgoing sanctions on the 2 billion dollar venture. â€Å"The Clinton Administration reported the waiver on May 18, 1998, refering to national enthusiasm, after the European Union vowed to expanded partic ipation with the United States on non-multiplication and counter-terrorism† (Katzman, 2003).The Bush Administration chose went with the same pattern with community oriented endeavors with the European Union and its individuals to confine Iran's atomic aspirations and fear based oppression sponsorship, safeguarding the way for future authorization waivers. Iran’s OPEC connection and history |Iran’s OPEC Affiliation started right off the bat in the 1960’s,when a gathering demand was made to the oil organizations working in Venezuela and in the | |middle east by the Venezuelan priest of mines and the Saudi Oil serve, to talk with the â€Å"hosting† nations before any cost | |changes were made. Going to this gathering were the agents of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. In that atmosphere,| |the establishment of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries was framed. Hamilton, 1983) Currently, the Organization has a complete of| |12 Member Countries. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a changeless, intergovernmental Organization, made | |at the Baghdad Conference on September 10â€14, 1960, directly with its gathering base camp found now in Vienna, Austria (OPEC, 2007). | |OPEC's targets still today is to co-ordinate and bind together oil arrangements among Member Countries, so as to make sure about reasonable and stable | |prices for petroleu

Saturday, July 25, 2020

How to Follow-up on a Job Application An Email Template

How to Follow-up on a Job Application An Email Template You’ve successfully completed and posted your job resume and are eagerly awaiting the status of your application.Unfortunately, you don’t hear back from the recruiting firm and the suspense in your head has reached its limit. In these cases, it’s necessary to take a step back and take a nice long breath and think about how to follow-up with the company.There is a fine line between annoying your potential employer â€" by sending numerous unwanted e-mails and trying to ascertain the status of your submitted application.There are certain guidelines to follow before you send the designated e-mail to inquire about your follow-up.HOW SOON IS TOO SOON TO SEND A FOLLOW-UP MAIL ON A JOB APPLICATION?Many candidates often feel uneasy about following up with their hiring managers due to the fear of coming off as “desperate” and “hopeless”. Follow-up emails are a normal procedure to bring the attention of your hiring manager back to your cover letter.However, it’s important to pra ctice restraint and give your cover letter sometime before you send a follow-up email.By following through, you demonstrate a strong will and confidence to your hiring manager that the job means a lot to you. Give yourself a deadline and write it down on a piece of paper. About 7 working days should be ample time for your hiring manager to consider your cover letter and give you a response. If in this time, you haven’t heard back, then you need to consider sending a follow-up email.It’s critical to not wait longer than 7 business days or the hiring process for your job placement may not be available. If you’ve sent your job application by email, many companies send back an intimation mail through auto-response systems that confirm your application has been received and give you a response date â€" either within 24 hours or 7 business working days.THINGS TO REMEMBER WHILE PREPARING YOUR FOLLOW-UP EMAILPhone or Email?One of the most frequently asked questions is whether you shou ld call the company or send them an email to inquire about your job application status. A phone call should always be your last resort after you hear nothing back from your employer even after you’ve sent a follow-up mail.A courtesy email to remind them of your status is always the way forward, an email can better convey your graciousness and intimate them about your job application.Organizations tend to be busy all the time, the recruiter will usually prefer to exchange emails as they can quickly refer to the previous emails to understand who the candidate is. A phone call may not send the right signal as they might refer you back to sending a professional follow-up mail before getting back to your job application.Focus the follow-up mail strictly on the company and not about yourselfWhen writing the follow-up mail, it’s important to remind them exactly why you would make a great choice for their company.Don’t talk about your achievements and accomplishments, you’ve already mentioned them in your job application. The follow-up mail is about redirecting them back to your job application and giving them a good positive reason for them to hire you.Always remember, the company needs to hire you based on their requirements and not because of what you’ve accomplished.Keep the information strictly linear to what they need and ensure you ask any questions that you have regarding the job application status. Politely request a date in which they can provide you with an answer to whether you’ve been approved or not.To demonstrate superior qualities, you can also mention them to provide feedback incase they’ve rejected your application. Organizations prefer employees who think ahead in the future and tend to hire them for their insight.Mention you’re available for a face-to-face interview at any time they needIn your follow-up mail, it’s a good idea to mention that you can stop by anytime at their offices to ensure a quick face-to-face interview can be conducted. Mentioning this showcases your confidence and willingness to go the extra mile for landing the job.By following up within a week’s time you notify them that you’re a person that has clear priorities in life and time is a valuable resource that you don’t intend to waste.By mentioning this important piece of information, you place yourself ahead of the competition and can be intimated when a slot opens for them to verify your qualifications and accomplishments. However, do ask them for a one-day heads-up to ensure you can be on time for your first interview.Fine line between being desperate and graciousMany follow-up emails by applicants tend to be overbearing and this tends to be a major turn-off to hiring managers.Have confidence in your abilities, you don’t need to send them a mail basically asking them for a hand out on the job. No company likes to give jobs based on your personal life rather than your professional one, so leave out your sorrow tales and maintai n your professional posture.Follow-up emails should strictly be about inquiring your status on your job application and that’s it. Don’t waste valuable sentences and paragraphs describing how hard you worked to be where you are and why you need the job over everyone else.Realistically speaking, everyone works hard to be where they are and hence, apply based on their unique accomplishments to set them apart.ETIQUETTE RULES TO ADHERE TO WHEN FOLLOWING UP ON A JOB APPLICATIONCheck the e-mail address and see if it’s correctWhile sending a follow-up email, it’s necessary to send the application to the correct email. Companies are known to keep various emails to address different issues, ensure you get the right email that corresponds to the hiring manager. If there are multiple emails you can always use the “Blind Carbon Copy or BCC” option located in your email provider and include all of them.If in doubt, consult the company’s website or utilize the visiting card if you r eceived one to check for an email address. You can also proceed to call up the company and request the email.Some companies can have an escalation process for follow-up letters that haven’t been responded to. Ensure you’ve done your research on the company page to sort out the right email from the rest and submit your follow-up email through the right procedure.Be patient, give it at least a week before you decide to follow-upDon’t jump the gun, it’s crucial to have patience in sensitive matters such as these. Sometimes, it may take the company more time to analyze a list of candidates before they send out their responses. Other times, it could be an emergency within the company and a delay in sending out your status.Give the company enough time to reply, wait for a week or two and then decide to write a follow-up letter. Ensure you politely request a response and don’t resort to any offensive or a non-professional tone.Be confident in your abilities, if you have the right skills, there is absolutely no reason to fret.Keep yourself up-to-date with your email templatesOne of the biggest nuisances that employers face daily is the fact that candidates send them a boring wall of text with an atrocious email template that doesn’t match a professional tone. Choose simple background colors and eye-friendly fonts to catch the reader’s attention. Ensure the colors are bright and not dark to add a positive influence.Always update yourself with the latest email templates, don’t use email templates that are outdated. Avoid trying to send a white paper background as this is the most common type of job application letter that managers see. By beautifying your letter, you show your employer that you are unique and have something distinct from the rest.Proofread the entire letter and eliminate errorsYour follow-up mail should contain no grammatical mistakes and should be short and concise. Do mention the follow-up procedure if you happen to send an email via t he subject line. Think of this as your second “First” impression to your employer and you need to impress them if you are going to land the job.Utilize online tools to ensure your follow-up mail is free from spelling errors. If you’re using “Microsoft Word”, ensure the automatic proofreader is turned on to fish out your weak grammatical verbs for you. Spend enough time to edit, refine, and improvise your letter. As a matter of fact, read your letter in your own voice to know if there is a weak phrase that you need to eliminate.Be Polite and GraciousDon’t resort to an aggressive attitude and begin accusing your employer of delaying the process. Your application could not be read due to a very busy schedule on their end or an emergency. By trying to accuse, you show exactly why you weren’t picked and you might also end up being blacklisted by the company.Maintain a gracious tone and show them why you’d be a perfect fit for the company by trying to understand why they w eren’t able to read your application letter. Never send recycled emails that were written by you for a previous company to send to your current hiring manager. Always write a fresh follow-up mail personalizing the company you are applying to.Here are actionable strategies that you can use to write your follow up letters. The information is compiled by Alex Berman in an easy-to-follow video guide. ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO CREATE AN E-MAIL TEMPLATE FOR FOLLOWING UPThe following sections are some of the most important aspects to consider while writing a job application.Hiring Manager’s NameAlways mention your hiring manager’s name and if you don’t have an official name, you can proceed to add “To whosoever, it may concern” or “Respect Sir/Madam” as a reference.Position TitleMention the job description you’ve applied to and make it clear. It’s critical to mention the job description in your subject line while sending the email.Company NameThe name of the compa ny you are applying to. Address the company at the start of the email to ensure you have written a fresh email putting them in the perspective.Subject (Email Only)If you are sending your follow-up letter by email, it’s necessary to write an appealing subject line so the contact in question understands at first glance what the email is about. As a rule of thumb, always mention your full name along with the job description as the subject line, unless mentioned otherwise.Your Contact InformationYour current address and full name so the company can contact you. Ensure you enter the correct pin code, if the company sends you a package it will be addressed here. You should also provide an alternate contact number along with your primary number, just in case.ParagraphsEnsure you follow good formatting rules and use paragraphs often to separate information. By doing this, you ensure the reader can absorb exactly what is written in the letter without him having to re-read the letter all ov er again.Try to keep your paragraphs limited to just 5-6 sentences each to ensure concise text.Signature and DateYour signature is required to ensure it’s really you that is writing the letter and you can also place the date either at the start of the letter or next to the signature. Ensure you double check the date to eliminate any embarrassing incidents.In the next section, a sample letter is provided utilizing all the above sections to give you an understanding of how to write a formal job application.A SAMPLE FOLLOW-UP LETTERThe following e-mail is a sample letter for applicants to grasp the idea of creating a professional job application and how to place information in their respective sections.[Hiring Manager Name] [Hiring Company Name] [Hiring Company Address] (example below)Mr. Adam Bell ABC Company 695Eddy St #269 San Francisco, CA 94016[Current Date]Dear [Hiring Manager Name],I submitted a letter of application and a resume earlier this month for the position of [Job Des cription] advertised in the  San Francisco Chronicle. To date, I haven’t heard back from your company. I would kindly like you to take the time and request the confirmation of the same.I have a keen interest in working at [Hiring Company Name], and I fully believe my skills and experience are a capable match for this position. My seven years as an award-winning [Job Description]at [Former Company Name] make me a strong fit for this position and company.Please let me know if you need any further materials from me.I can be reached at [Your Contact Number] or [Your E-mail]. I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Signature (hard copy letter)[Your Signature][Your Name]Here is a YouTube video of noted Job coaching expert â€" Melanie Szlucha. She has plenty of useful tips on offer on how to write a follow-up application. CONCLUDING THOUGHTSWhile it can feel like a lifetime has passed, the best you can do is wait after you’ve sent your follow-up le tter. The worst-case scenario is you get rejected and you don’t lose anything but get your hopes up and pick up where you left off. The best-case scenario being you end up in your dream job and you’ve set up your professional career for a great start.Always remember to face your challenges whether you receive good or bad news. A follow-up letter can do wonders instead of giving up altogether. It’s easier to misunderstand and think that your resume was rejected but there are a 100 reasons to why your job application hasn’t turned up with a response.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Turnaround At Ford Company - 1568 Words

The Turnaround At Ford The Ford company had always been a major player in the growth of the US economy, being one of the Big Three (along with GM and Chrysler) in the US automobile industry. Ford has been credited for having made the automobile attainable to the middle-class that emerged through the 20th to the 21st centuries, due in part to its refinement of the assembly line concept. It was the first manufacturing company to make use of the moving assembly line, which created so much efficiency that made owning a car highly affordable to the common American. So for decades, Ford and the automotive industry had been one of the leading big employers in the US, contributing to its booming economy. For years, US carmakers like Ford†¦show more content†¦To compound matters, the accompanying financial crisis of the 2008 recession spurred the industry to slash costs and boost efficiency. The Big Three scrambled with their own restructuring efforts that included factory closures, divesting of nonperforming models and brands, and most of all – decreasing labor costs. (Davis, 2012) The Big Three, of course including Ford, now were faced with a huge labor machinery that it was not able to sustain – especially with a labor force that is ageing, has relatively higher wages vis a vis foreign carmakers’ workers, as well as very competitive retirement benefits packages. Another important factor that contributed to the labor surplus in Ford, as in the US auto industry, is the fact that before, the unions kept a lot of auto workers happy and contented in their work environment for decades. Some Ford analysts blame those legacy costs (e.g. retiree health care and pensions) for adding to Ford’s troubles. When the economy was booming, the unions coddled the workers, while the Big Three reveled in their seemingly immovable positions. Nobody read the signs of the times and so were caught unawares that economic conditions were changing, or when they did, believed that the automakers could handle it, as much as they handled the 1973 oil embargo. (Davis, 2012) Ford, like the big US carmakers, did not foresee that the increased globalization and the elimination of international trade protection laws brought in moreShow MoreRelatedThe Turnaround Ford Motor Company1684 Words   |  7 PagesFord Motor Company was launched in a converted factory in 1903 with $28,000 in cash from twelve investors. It would go on to become one of the worlds largest and most profitable companies. It is one of the largest family-controlled companies in the world and has been in continuous family control for over 100 years. Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation and the worlds third largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty Understanding Free Essays

In this article â€Å"What is Poverty† the author Jo Goodwin Parker, created great examples of Poverty. The main characteristics of poverty are dirtiness in her eyes unhealthy, not a lot of money the way of life and how you handle it. For example, â€Å"Poverty is being tired† to her the whole poverty thing was effecting her life and there was nothing you or anybody else could do about it. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty Understanding or any similar topic only for you Order Now Another example â€Å"The poor are always silent. Can you be silent too†? this showed that she described herself as the homeless person and her poverty was this world that Parker, is living in. What the author did not have she showed that she could not afford such as food, nutrition, clothing, education, this basically was lack of human needs what she wanted but could not afford on her time of day. This is my personal option everybody has Poverty because it is always something out there that somebody can’t afforded something that somebody else has For example, somebody might have a bigger house then me that poverty, or my next door neighbor has food and I don’t that’s poverty. I feel that the author took it upon herself to make the reader understand that poverty is life, and it comes in all different shapes and sizes; starting from clothing to food from that to dirt. I honestly think that I can agree with Parker when she explains poverty understanding that poverty is life it is what we live in until this day. I experience poverty more then once a day dealing with insurance my health and getting around I use this to real life experience because poverty is what makes the world go around. The strategies and the techniques the author used was incredible she showed that tone in this story to get her point across, she used pity but wanted you to set aside the pity and hear her out for example, â€Å"Listen without pity† also she described poverty as all the things in the world a human can go through and all the basic needs a human should have but doesn’t known as poverty. Parker describes the pain and suffering an individual in any life time you can go through like when she explains about the baby â€Å"They told me at the hospital when the baby came that I had chronic anemia from poor diet† which makes her feel like down graded because she already knows that she doesn’t have the right things to take care of her body(poverty). The whole thing sums it up for society poverty from reading this article is basic needs and the world can do only so little to help you. How to cite Poverty Understanding, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essay Example

Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Paper The first use of language is that of the narrative language. This is used through out the performance by a character called the singer. Even though he is given a character name he does not exist throughout the play other than narrating. The first example is on page 9 at the start of scene 2. The narrator first says once upon a time which shows this is a story being told in a past tense. The narrator sets the scene for the Governor and his wife His name was Georgi Abashvilli. The scene is then set telling us about the revolution, which is taking place at this time. He tells us this by referring to deaths a time of bloodshed. He then sets the scene of the Governors past lifestyle before the revolution. We know he is describing before the revolution as he says once upon a time after each sentence. I believe this is narrated by a singer because Brecht uses techniques which let the audience know that they are actors in a role and so the audience do not believe the characters are real. He does this as he believes acting is telling a story and that the audience must know this. He does this successfully with the narrator. This is a Brectian technique which relates to alienation. We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This technique also gives the audience chance to become critical themselves of the performance and decide what the characters are feeling. The singer is quite a loud, over the top exaggerated character and shows this through the style of acting used. Brecht often uses exaggerated characteristics (the guest) as part of his style of writing. In this use of language Brecht also uses the narrator to use a rhetorical question. This shows the narrator is on his own and simply talking to an audience not another character. This is affective to alienation as it is showing that the narrator is telling a story not acting. When we did this work for our practical we dressed the narrator in plain black clothes so they did not looked dressed as a character. We used the technique of the guest and the narrator was very exaggerated in what he said nd told it like a story teller. He was stood centre stage and faced the audience. We used spotlight to highlight him. He also used hand movements towards the audience so they knew he was talking to them. A second piece of language is that of Simon and Grusha. I chose this one and they use subtext and metaphoric language. Subtext is trying to get across one meaning but saying another which is metaphoric. This is in scene 4 at the bottom of page 57 when Simon enters. Simon first uses subtext when he says to Grusha The door is still on its hinges? As they say. This means have you remained faithful and are still open to me but she is not. She then replays my name is no longer when it was. Simon doesnt understand then she replies When do women change their names Simon? which shows she can not tell him straight. She tries to explain she is unfaithful by name but not in bed but Simon fails to understand this and then sees Michael. Grusha then says How could I hide it? like it is her child and she says this like she was lying and it is hers but in the same sentence she says dont let it worry you it is not mine. This is acted by the character in a confused way. It is not easily understood by the audience so is helped to be understood by the narrator who every so often tells the story. Another use of metaphoric language, or proverbs, that are used at the end of the play between Azdak and Simon when they are arguing. When the horse was shod, the horsefly stretched out his leg. Which means when the horse has a new shoe, the horsefly stretches out his leg for one to. This, to the story, means that the poor take from the rich. Azdak then replies Better a treasure in the sewer than a stone in the mountain stream. This means that the governors wife may be lying but he believes it is better to pay for justice than justice itself. They then have a metaphoric argument as if to argue they are trying to prove themselves. When we performed this piece, the actors used sarcastic voices to show that it was metaphoric and meant something else. A third piece of language is the monologue which Grusha uses to talk to Michael. Firstly she sings to Michael which shows the Brectian technique of alienation again as in a real world the actors would not sing like this. She sings about Simon as it is referred to the battles. She says She then says dont throw yourself in at the front line. This is referred to Simon Chachava as she wants him to come home to her. She then says gives tips of how she wants Simon to fight so he comes home to he in front is red fire, in the rear is red smoke, stay wisely in between, as the first ones always die and the last ones are also hit, those in the centre come home. She then talks to Michael in a monologue. In this monologue she says to Michael that they much make themselves really small, like cockroaches. This is a metaphor to how she feels as she feels small and wants to escape the fact that the sister-in-law does not want her there. She then tells Michael not to cry because of the cold as being poor and cold as well puts people off. She says this as she doesnt want to look poor and wants to be respected as a person with a child without being questioned all the time.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Gene Splicing Essays

Gene Splicing Essays Gene Splicing Essay Gene Splicing Essay The Future Evolution of Human: Gene Splicing Gene Splicing: Survival of the Fittest Long ago stories, legends, and myths were created describing humans who were infused with the body parts of animal. Creatures such as mermaids, centaurs, and Satyrs were placed into our minds and we could only imagine what it would be like to meet these creatures. They became so numerous that they were given a category, Anthropomorphism. Over time and with our knowledge of science increasing, body parts that may have been considered to be part of Anthropomorphism were explainable. Webbed hands and feet, humans being born with a tail; and even being born with an extra appendage like an extra toe or finger are no longer a disfiguring ailment. But what if Anthropomorphism wasn’t just a myth? What if they were a new stage in human evolution? Scientists in many fields have hypothesized that humanity like the dinosaur will eventually die out, so what will it take for humanity to survive? Dr Joseph Alter, a Professor of Anthropology, believes that with the biotechnology available today, we could see human being born with animal DNA. This new breed could be stronger, faster, and immune to diseases that regular humans would not be able to survive. In his article, The Once and Future â€Å"Apeman†, Chimeras, Human Evolution, and Disciplinary Coherence, Dr. Alter states that â€Å"It helps us translate the obvious, that our kinship to animals is closer and more intimate than we have thought, both in fact ( with reference to the evolutionary record ) and in principle. † (640) While many may take either a religious and/or negative moral viewpoint to this type of science, the time may come when this science is necessary to continue any kind of human species. : Dr. Jarod Diamond in his book, â€Å"Collapse, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed believes that the current society will eventually collapse due to may reasons, but one of the biggest the loss of natural resources. These resources, such as fossil fuels, land, and forests will make humans have to search for other means to continue living. In today’s current society most humans will not survive. We have become a society of comfort. Dr. Diamond states we are one big epidemic (disease) from having our civilization collapse. But with a re-combination of our genes with animals, we raise the ercentage of survival. Since the first days of cloning, the eventual next steps were to clone humans, but after that where would we go? Dr. Alter states that after cloning the next step would be gene manipulation and gene splicing. â€Å" With the advent of culture we did stop being animals. But neither did we ever just become human. We made ourselves into human-which raises the question h ow far that process can and should be taken. †(642) Less than 50 years ago, this process was an idea, a form of science fiction, but the discussion can now be made that society has turned that page. With embryonic stem cells, we have been able to generate new organs. What used to be done only in nature; is now being re-created inside of a laboratory. Science fiction has become science fact. Why should gene splicing and gene manipulation not have the same chance? With any new science, there are morale questions that become asked. Is this real science? Are we playing God and creating a new species? What if this new species of man attacks or destroys our current society? The reality is science already predicts the end of man. Our civilization has increased exponentially over the year. Currently we have about 7 billion people alone on the planet. Resources are being depleted at quadruple the rate more than 100 years ago. Global warming has changed the weather patterns on the planet to levels not ever seen or recorded. Yet currently in western society we keep wasting resources as if they will never end. That is why we need to start looking at a merger between animals and man. The best of both worlds. The animal instincts and mans ability for adaption. The science to gene manipulation and gene splicing leads us back to the question, are we playing God? In a secular sense, yes, but what religion fails to see is that man and animal have had a connection that extends through our genetics. We share DNA with many animals, but certain DNA have long been turned off because we evolved to our current state. As Dr Marilyn Strathern was quoted as saying, â€Å"relatives are always a surprise and biotechnology extends the scope of kinship along with all of its social entailments. (642) While religion asks that we not engage in this discussion, there will come a time when it must be discussed and a possible plan must be put in place for the end of humanity. All options must be considered, and gene splicing is one of those options. How would we achieve this chimera of man and animal? Both through nature and nurture, we have the means today to make it possible. Breeding of the species is one way. The best example of mixed breeding is the Liger. The half lion / half tiger can be bred and then created in a lab. While the breeding does not allow for the new animal to have children, the breeding creates a bigger and stronger animal than the individual animals used to create the Liger. Nature has done most of the work, but now nurture must take over. We must try and adapt these new species with other species. The new hybrid of man will need to get used to their new abilities, senses, and feelings. No new species could survive without nurture, we must make them understand that they are new and with anything new comes fear and misunderstanding. We must give them space to grow and adapt to their new environment. It does not sound like a simple task but it must be done for survival to occur. While I do believe that gene splicing is the future of man, I also realize that by the time we realize that it must be done, it will be too late. Our western civilization is dominated by the Bible and by religion. Just as embryonic stem cell research has grinded to a halt in the United States due to the belief that we are â€Å"killing children† to save ourselves, so there will be many that balk on the idea that they should bond with an animal to survive. The idea has great potential but without money and the right political backing, then this idea that man will merge with other animals will remain an idea. Our civilization will not collapse tomorrow but after reading Dr. Alters proposal I see that there is hope and a future via bio-technology. The philosopher, George Santayana, was quoted as saying â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it†. In anthropology we study humankind throughout time, to learn about ourselves and maybe not make the same mistakes as our previous ancestors. Unfortunately, we, the humankind are not learning from our past mistakes and are on a downward spiral to eventual oblivion. References Alter, Joseph; The Once and Future â€Å"Apeman† Chimeras, Human Evolution, and Disciplinary Coherence. Current Anthropology Vol 48, Num 5 October 2007. Diamond, Jarod: Collapse; How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Viking Penguin Group, NY, NY. 2005. Keister-inman,Clinton Van; â€Å"The Face of the Super Humanity† Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology; Volume 2, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Life of Wilkie Collins, English Detective Novel Writer

Life of Wilkie Collins, English Detective Novel Writer Wilkie Collins (January 8, 1824 – September 23, 1889) has been called the grandfather of the English detective novel. He was a writer of the sensational school during the Victorian Period, and with bestselling novels and successful plays such as The Woman in White, The Moonstone, and The Frozen Deep, Collins explored the effects of mysterious, shocking, and criminal happenings within  Victorian middle-class families. Early Years and Education Wilkie Collins (born William Wilkie Collins) was born on Jan. 8, 1824, on Cavendish Street in Marylebone, London. He was the eldest of two sons of William Collins, a landscape artist and a member of the Royal Academy, and his wife Harriet Geddes, a former governess. Collins was named after David Wilkie, the Scottish painter who was his godfather. After spending one year at a small preparatory school called Maida Hill Academy  near Tyburn, England, Collins went with his family to Italy, where they stayed from 1837 to 1838. In Italy, the Collins family visited archaeological ruins and museums and resided in a number of cities, including Rome, Naples, and Sorrento, before returning home. Wilkie then boarded at a boys school run by Henry Cole in Highbury from 1838–1841. There, Collins was bullied into telling stories to the other boys at night because he had learned Italian and had picked up on plots from foreign literature and was not shy in bragging about it. At age 17, Collins started his first job with a tea merchant named Edward Antrobus, a friend of his fathers. Antrobus shop was located on The Strand in London. The heady atmosphere of The Strand- a major thoroughfare populated by theaters, law courts, taverns, and newspaper editorial offices- gave Collins ample inspiration to write short articles and literary pieces in his spare time. His first signed article, The Last Stage Coachman, appeared in Douglas Jerrolds Illuminated Magazine in 1843. In 1846, Collins  became a law student at Lincolns Inn. He was called to the bar in 1851, but never  practiced law. Early Literary Career Collins first novel, Iolani, was rejected and didnt resurface until 1995, long after his death. His second novel,  Antonina was only one-third of the way finished when his father died. After the elder Collins death, Wilkie Collins started work on a two-volume biography of his father, which was published by subscription in 1848. That biography brought him to the attention of the literary world. In 1851, Collins  met  Charles Dickens, and the two writers became close friends. Although Dickens was not known to serve as a mentor for many writers, he was surely a supporter, colleague, and mentor for Collins. According to scholars of Victorian literature, Dickens and Collins influenced one another and even co-wrote several short stories. Dickens supported Collins by publishing some of his stories, and it is possible that the two men were knowledgeable of the others less-than-ideal Victorian sexual alliances. Collins was called William and Willie as a child, but as he rose in stature in the literary world,  he became known as Wilkie to just about everyone. The Sensational School The sensation genre of writing was an early stage in the development of the  detective novel. Sensational novels offered a hybrid of domestic fiction, melodrama,  sensational journalism, and  gothic  romances. The  plots contained elements of bigamy, fraudulent identity, drugging, and theft, all of which took place within the middle-class home. Sensational novels owe much of their sensation to the earlier Newgate novel genre, which consisted of biographies of notorious criminals.   Wilkie Collins was the most popular and is today the best-remembered of the sensational novelists, completing his most important novels in the 1860s with  the heyday of the genre. Other practitioners included Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Charles Reade, and Ellen Price Wood. Family and Personal Life Wilkie Collins never married. It has been speculated that his close knowledge of Charles and Catherine Dickens unhappy marriage may have influenced him. In the mid-1850s, Collins began living with Caroline Graves, a widow with one daughter. Graves lived in Collins house and looked after his domestic affairs for most of thirty years. In 1868, when it became clear that Collins would not marry her, Graves briefly left him and married someone else. However, she and Collins reunited two years later after Graves marriage ended. While Graves  was away, Collins became involved with Martha Rudd, a former servant. Rudd was 19 years old, and Collins was 41. He established  for her a few blocks away from his home. Together, Rudd and Collins had three children: Marian (born 1869), Harriet Constance (born 1871), and William Charles (born 1874). The children were given the surname name Dawson, as Dawson was the name Collins used when he bought the house and visited Rudd. In his letters, he referred to them as his morganatic family. By the time he was in his late thirties, Collins was addicted to laudanum, a derivative of opium, which featured as a plot point in many of his best novels, including The Moonstone. He also traveled throughout Europe and led a fairly lavish and sybaritic lifestyle with his traveling companions, including Dickens and others he met along the way. Published Works Over his lifetime, Collins wrote 30 novels and over 50 short stories, some of which were published in magazines edited by Charles Dickens. Collins also wrote a travel book (A Rogues Life), and plays,  the best-known of which is The Frozen Deep, an allegory of the failed Franklin expedition to find the Northwest Passage across Canada. Death and Legacy Wilkie Collins died in London on Sept. 23, 1889, at the age of 69, after having suffered a debilitating stroke. His will divided what proceeds were left from his writing career between his two partners, Graves and Rudd, and the Dawson children. The sensationalism genre faded in popularity after the 1860s. However, scholars credit sensationalism, especially  Collins work, with reimagining the Victorian family  in the midst of social and political changes of the Industrial Age. He often depicted strong women who overcame the injustices of the day, and he developed plot devices that the next generations of writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle used to invent the detective mystery genre. T.S. Elliot said of Collins that he was the first and greatest of modern English novelists. Mystery writer Dorothy L. Sayers said that Collins was the most genuinely feminist of all the 19th century novelists. Wilkie Collins Fast Facts Full Name: William Wilkie CollinsOccupation:  AuthorKnown For: Bestselling detective novels and developing of the sensational genre of literatureBorn: January 8, 1824  in London, EnglandParents Names: William Collins and Harriet GeddesDied: September 23, 1889 in London, EnglandSelected Works: The Woman in White, The Moonstone, No Name, The Frozen DeepSpouses Name:  Never married, but had two significant partners –  Caroline Graves, Martha Rudd.Children: Marian Dawson, Harriet Constance Dawson, and William Charles DawsonFamous Quote:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Any woman who is sure of her own wits, is a match, at any time, for a man who is not sure of his own temper.† (from  The Woman in White) Sources Ashley, Robert P. Wilkie Collins Reconsidered. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 4.4 (1950): 265–73. Print.Baker, William, and William M. Clarke, eds. The Letters of Wilkie Collins: Volume 1: 1838–1865. MacMillan Press, LTD1999. Print.Clarke, William M. The Secret Life of Wilkie Collins: The Intimate Victorian Life of the Father of the Detective Story. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1988. Print.Lonoff, Sue. Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 35.2 (1980): 150–70. Print.Peters, Catherine. The King of Inventors: A Life of Wilkie Collins. Princeton: Princeton Legacy Library: Princeton University Press, 1991. Print.Siegel, Shepard. Wilkie Collins: Victorian Novelist as Psychopharmacologist. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 38.2 (1983): 161–75. Print.Simpson, Vicky. Selective Affinities: Non-Normative Families in Wilkie Collinss No Name. Victorian Review 39.2 (2013): 115–28. Print.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Answer Questions Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Answer Questions Part 2 - Essay Example Each such attack, irrespective of the location from where it is initiated, would also have the server to server IP address access details and these should have been highlighted in the audit of log data.Morever the staring point of this investigation should have been the proof underlying the tip. Chat softwares normally keep record of the chat data and it is available time and date wise. Hacker chat site, where the alleged boasting was done by Jack Hasenpfeffer, should have been approached to obtain more substance to the claim of the theft of the marketing plan. This would have rightly set the investigation on the right course. As the investigations stand Trigraph side has proven that the recipient email address was that of Jack Hasenpfeffer; however until unless it is proven that the hack tool author was Jack Hasenpfeffer and that he alone had intruded the Trigraph systems using such a tool and that such a tool had sent the data file to Jack Hasenpfeffer; it cannot be concluded easil y that Jack Hasenpfeffer was responsible for the theft of the marketing plan. ... ack Hasenpfeffer's personal system; but the moot question here is if these addresses were the only ones available to Jack Hasenpfeffer and if there were no possibilities of using the hacking tool from any other address. In fact, Megagargantuan's investigations have left out the vital fact that they had examined all case of firewall intrusions in the under consideration time interval. However, one fact of Megagargantuan's investigation is a grave point that stands against their own case; they have conceded that a copy of the disputed information was found on Megagargantuan's servers. This still leaves us at the above conclusion that the marketing software was accessed and received at Megagargantuan's servers; however, the act cannot be readily attributed to Jack Hasenpfeffer. Question 2: (1/3 page answer) Assuming that both you and T. William Stoat testify in the trial of the case presented in Fact Set 1, is the expert testimony based on sufficient facts or data Is the testimony the product of reliable principles and methods Have the principles and methods been applied reliably to the facts of the case The testimony of both the experts cannot be considered to be based on reliable principles and methods. In fact in Trigraph investigations-which have given rise to testimony facts- it is already pointed out that they picked the thread from one step ahead of the step required to be taken up. They totally bypassed the collecting information and data on the chat room boasting by Jack Hasenpfeffer. This would have provided circumstantial evidence to Jack Hasenpfeffer's involvement even if the use of hacking tool could not be attributed to him. Moreover, the tools used to obtain system images are labeled as popular public software in Trigraph investigations.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Week-7 Technology in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week-7 Technology in the Workplace - Essay Example It also has the capability of providing annotations of the evidence produced, for use by the jury, the trial judge/ magistrate, and the various counsels present. This is the main technology in use at the court rooms (Rowland, Uta and Andrew, 32). Within the offices, employees of the organization use Microsoft software’s to process the needed information. The soft wares in use are the Microsoft word, and this is in use mostly by clerks. Ms. Power Point is used by the managerial staff when they make presentations during seminars, and conferences. By looking at these technological applications in my organization, I can conclude that it is ahead of other institutions of justice in the use of technology. Though most of these organizations use Microsoft software’s, they are yet to develop the mobile evidence presentation system that has the capability of easing the manner in which evidence is produced at the court room. The court house has managed to train its employees on how to handle the technological inventions it uses. During orientations, new employees obtain guidelines on the functionalities of the various technological gadgets in use. Due to this orientation, I gained the knowledge and capability of using these gadgets, and therefore technology does not affect my performance. However, there are numerous ways that technology can hinder progress at the work place. They are (Rowland, Uta and Andrew, 21); 1. In ability to weigh between the opportunities, and the risks that the technology in use brings about. For instance, use of technological know-how such as power point presentations, requires adequate preparations, identification of main files, and thereafter loaded into the presentation software. This activity takes a lot of time, and this can be a factor in hindering the application of a technological know-how, in a court house. 2. There is also the problem of information overload. For instance, in using

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Objectives Of The Arms Control Politics Essay

The Objectives Of The Arms Control Politics Essay For arms control to be an effective instrument of national security, its objectives must be determined by, and be in close harmony with, the broader objectives of national security strategy (Larsen, 2002) Traditional arms control theory was based on the premise that the super- powers inherently shared an area of common ground (Sheehan,1988) (avoiding nuclear war) and that this element of mutual interest could serve as the basis for limited cooperative arrangements involving reciprocal restraint in the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction. In defining the scope and application of arms control, they set forth three general objectives: (Larsen, 2002) Reducing the risk of war. Arms control was seen as a prime means of setting limits on and restraining strategic arms race behavior. For early arms control theorists, restraining certain types of technology was practically synonymous with reducing the risk of war. The underlying premise was that war was most likely to begin with a surprise nuclear attack made possible by unrestrained competition in ballistic missile, guidance and control, and nuclear weapon technology. Therefore, those weapon systems employing technologies that in theory most contributed to the ability to exe- cute a surprise nuclear attack against the nuclear retaliatory forces of the other side, or that undermined the ability of either side to hold deterrent tar- gets at risk, became principal candidates for arms limitation agreements. Reducing the cost of preparing for war. Arms control theorists believed that controls would release economic resources otherwise squandered on military spending (Bull, 1965). They believed that arms races were economically ruinous and that disarmament or arms control would make possible the diversion of resources toward worthier objectives. If arms control succeeded in providing the same degree of security at lower levels of weapons than would otherwise be the case, it could lead to fielding fewer weapons and thus lower overall defense spending. Further, if certain types of technology were mutually outlawed, there would be fewer costs associated with defense research and development, weapons production, force deployment, operations, and maintenance. The savings thereby realized could be diverted to domestic economic priorities and promote overall prosperity. Reducing the damage should war occur. If fewer weapons were fielded as a result of arms limitation agreements, and should war nevertheless occur, overall damage would be less than it would otherwise have been. But fielding fewer weapons is not the only way to reduce damage in the event of war. Damage also could be limited by developing certain types of active defense strategies and technologies, such as ballistic missile defenses. In practice, the first of the three main objectives proposed by traditional arms control theory-reducing the risk of war or, more specifically, reducing the risk of surprise nuclear attack-came to eclipse and over- shadow the other two. Achieving the first objective would also indirectly satisfy the other two. The process grew in complexity over the next four decades. It usually involved negotiations but was sometimes accomplished through unilateral decisions or reciprocated arrangements. The main merit of previous arms control agreements was that ..they created a situation that facilitated peaceful transformation in Europe and in the rest of the world (Rotfeld,1996). Along with the treaties on the elimination of intermediate-range nuclear weapons and the reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, these agreements include: The system of rules and export controls designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon-usable material, of which the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) forms the legal basis; substantial reductions of conventional armed forces and manpower in Europe. This and other agreements have enabled the elimination of more than 60 000 heavy conventional weapons in Europe and in the Asian area of the former Soviet Union on the basis of accords reached in peacetime, not imposed by the victors on the vanquished. In recent years, a total of 20 000 nuclear warheads have been dismantled; thus their number was reduced from some 58 000 to 38 000. The process of destroying chemical weapons has been launched, although, because of the costs, it will last longer than expected. The central problems of arms control today The central problems facing the arms control process at present can be summarised as follows. Defining the role of the major powers First, there is the problem of deciding who are the players that need to be assembled at the table when arms control is discussed. Arms control tradition- ally has been the preserve of those states that possess the weapons. It has depended on the ability of major powers to work together in pursuit of particular objectives. The cold war demonstrated that arms control does not require that the interests and policies of these powers are aligned, but there has to be a willingness to cooperate. The special role assigned to the United Nations Security Council in matters of peace and security and the fact that the five NPT-defined nuclear weapon states are permanent members of the Security Council tended to cement the impression that military power and major power status were two sides of the same coin. However, other states now claim to have a legitimate stake in the arms control process without either being in possession of extensive military capabilities or intending to develop such capabilities. The exclusion of countries such as Germany, India and Japan from a central place in discussions of issues affecting global peace and security may undermine the credibility of those discussions. While each of these countries will react differently to the fact of its exclusion, no doubt they will all react in some manner. In addition, there is an important new actor on the international scene for which arms control is a crucial concern. With the establishment of the EU in 1993, a group of states (moreover, a group that is expected to expand in number) are developing, step-by-step, a more integrated approach to foreign and security policy that is likely to become increasingly influential in the future. Need for a new organizing principle A second problem arises from the need to consider the organizing principle for arms control in conditions where there is no longer any meaningful balance or symmetry between military capabilities. Past treaties usually conferred equal obligations and status on participating states in line with the principle of sovereign equality. This often translated into a carefully calibrated balance in numbers of agreed items that were the objects of control. This balance may have been set at zero in the framework of disarmament treaties or at higher levels in other agreements. This organizing principle no longer applies at the global level, given the power of the USA. More- over, agreements based on parity are not feasible at the regional level. They may not even be applicable at the subregional or bilateral level, where dyads at the centre of conflict and instability have very different force structures and force levels. Responding to non-compliance A third major problem for arms control is the need to develop responses to unambiguous evidence that some states are cheating on their legally binding obligations and commitments. Cheating does not include inadvertent or acci- dental failures to implement an agreement or differences of interpretation about the obligations contained in an agreement. These issues are important but manageable within the framework of arms control processes because the good faith of the parties is not disputed. Rather, cheating means that a state promises to take a course of action while at the same time intending to behave in ways known to be proscribed and that violate the basic principle of the agreement. None of the main compliance crises revealed in the 1990s-the Iraqi violation of its NPT commitments, the North Korean violation of its safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the Soviet violation of the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention-has been fully resolved. This fact remains a serious problem and has contributed to under- mining the international communitys confidence in the efficacy of multi- lateral arms control instruments. Conclusion In other words, arms control can play a significant role by becoming an integral part of the new international security system. However, it cannot be boiled down simply to international legal instruments (treaties and conventions); rather, it should constitute a part of security policy and defence at the national level and of conflict resolution at the global level. Treaties and conventions remain central because they provide transparency about the obligations of states and an institutional framework within which resources can be mobilized and organized. However, treaties and conventions need to be supplemented with a habit of dialogue and discussion that assists in making actions consistent with agreed norms. The current binding normative order is the point of reference for seeking solutions that would tackle the challenges and situations of today and tomorrow. This normative order provides a platform on which to build but should not itself be placed in question. It must then be asked how the activities of those states which for different reasons have found themselves outside the current order can be regulated-in particular, how the world community should respond to the activities of states which violate important norms codified in arms control agreements to which they are not parties. Ways must be considered for including in the arms control process those states, which have an eroding influence on it. The states whose leaders believe that the current normative order is inadequate or even wrong will not participate in cooperative arrangements on an official level. However, individuals from this group of states can and should participate in the wider discussion of the role and impact of arms control. Moreover, in these states public information can play a valuable role in making possible a debate on the merits and demerits of cooperation. Despite these accomplishments, there remains much unfinished business on the arms control agenda. (Rotfeld, 1996) First, with the exception of the NATO and European Union (EU) member states, the security of the territories extending from Vancouver to Vladivostok is not based on a collective, common or cooperative security system. Threats and armed conflicts have moved to Europes peripheries (the Balkans and the Caucasus) and to Central Asia. Second, neither the continuous step-by-step reduction of nuclear weapons in those states that possess them nor diminishing the likelihood that new nuclear weapon states will emerge can be ensured at present. Third, the legally binding ban on nuclear explosions has yet to enter into force, amidst signs that the no-testing norm codified in the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty is not universally accepted. Finally, the level of confidence in the implementation of treaties and agreements to eliminate biological and chemical weapons remains low in many quarters. With the end of the bipolar world order, the role of arms control and disarmament has changed fundamentally. The international security system based on bipolarity and mutual nuclear deterrence was one of high military threat and at the same time of relatively high stability. As a result, in the cold war period arms control and disarmament were seen as the highest priority in the policies of the global powers. Arms control was considered to be a pillar that supported strategic stability and maintained the balance of power between the superpowers and their respective allies. The pre- dominant goals of traditional arms control theory, as developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, was to enhance security, and the major powers shared an interest in avoiding global nuclear annihilation. These twin goals helped the powers to transcend their deep ideological and political differences and engage in a strategic dialogue. Thus the main objectives of arms control were to reduce the risk of nuc lear war between the two great antagonists, maintain the equilibrium of forces, reduce the costs of the arms race, and seek to limit the damage should war occur. Different approaches to arms control 1- Fundamental changes in the existing arms control framework should be avoided. Radical changes could put at risk existing processes that are not yet completed without any assurance that a new framework can be constructed to substitute for them. In the view of this group, the future of arms control will consist of implementing, strengthening and further developing existing agreements and processes. 2 Accepts the objectives of the current arms control agenda but argues that these objectives cannot be realised through existing agreements and processes under the present conditions. An extension of this view is the argument that focusing narrowly on existing agreements in conditions where political relations are strained may diminish security by amplifying disagreements. The impact of the debate over the relationship between the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) and missile defences on relations between China, Russia and the USA could be pointed to as an example. For this second group, arms control processes need to be supplemented by other types of political, economic and even, under certain conditions, military initiatives if the objectives of arms control are to be achieved. 3- The current objectives of arms control processes are too narrow and fail to address new challenges and problems that represent the primary threat under the new international conditions. For this group, the arms control agenda should be expanded to include more types of weapons (small arms and light weapons), more types of equipment (non-lethal high technology), more issues (humanitarian issues, economic issues and governance issues) and more actors (international organizations and non-governmental actors). In their view, this widening of the arms control agenda is a paramount task, even if the consequence is that existing processes are scaled back or discontinued to release resources for reallocation. Current problems and new challenges The different approaches to arms control described above are not commonly exclusive. The task of finding common ground among the groups supporting them will be facilitated if arms control can make progress in solving problems, demonstrate its relevance to the new security environment and adapt itself to new challenges.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Labor and Delivery Nurse

Cassidy Howell Mrs. Savage Medical Anatomy 3 10 April 2013 Labor and Delivery Nurse It was said best by an unknown author, â€Å"If love can't cure it, nurses can. † Nursing is a broad and dependable career option. There are many different fields of nursing; particularly there is â€Å"Labor and Delivery. † The duties of a labor and delivery nurses consist of assisting women during their pregnancy, labor, and post-birth. Labor and delivery nurses must contain qualities of professionalism, good analytical skills, and the ability to make quick decisions.Not only do these nurses assist patients, they also counsel families and collaborate with doctors (Labor and Delivery Nurse). All fields of nursing have a few things in common, one of them being the required training. The first step to becoming a labor and delivery nurse is to be accepted into a college institution where you can major in nursing. While attending a such college, a labor and delivery nurse must earn her Regi stered Nurse degree, these degrees can be obtained in two or four years.The only way to obtain a degree is to first get accepted into nursing school, and complete all undergraduate requirements. During nursing school students take classes in the liberal arts, hard sciences, microbiology, organic chemistry, pathophysiology, psychology, and a semester of clinical education. In these classes nurse receives hands-on training at a hospital ( Herlihy, S. ). There are many available colleges that offer a nursing degree. In the state of Alabama, there are 41 colleges alone that offer an education in nursing.Both the infamous rival schools, Auburn University and University of Alabama, offer a major in nursing, so do their sub schools, Auburn University at Montgomery and University of Alabama in Huntsville. Not only do the National Champions offer nursing degrees, but many other colleges across the state including but not limited to Troy University, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Univer sity of South Alabama, Jacksonville State University, and Jefferson State Community College (Hack College).Getting a degree alone is not enough; a license is required to become an official nurse. The state of Alabama requires all future nurses to take an exam called the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) that certifies them to be licensed to practice nursing in Alabama. After taking the exam, to become completely board certified in the specific field of labor and delivery nursing, experience as a staff nurse and clinical experience in labor and delivery is needed (Nursing Schools).After successfully getting a degree in nursing, licensed, and found a job, an income ranging between $45,000-$95,000 is to be expected. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for a registered nurse is approximately $65,000. It’s to be expected to start lower, and have promotions along the way as more experience is gained. Other factors also affect the salary, such as level of education and/or type of degree earned, cost of living in the area, and nursing specialty.Salary especially fluctuates for a labor and delivery nurse. For example, a manager can earn high salaries that exceed $83,000 annually. Also, a women's health nurse practitioners (WHNPs) working in labor and delivery make more than $74,000 a year (Salary Information). There are many different options for a labor and delivery nurse, along with different settings within the labor and delivery unit. Options include direct care to patients in labor with uncomplicated deliveries to those with pregnancies that are experiencing complications.Labor and delivery nurses also circulate the hospital floor to help manage patients in the operating room during deliveries and work as a surgical assistant during complicated procedures. Labor and delivery nurses can also work in the nursery, where they help monitor and care for newborn babies (About Labor and Delivery Nurses). Every medical ca reer has many personal awards, achieving a degree in a medical field is a big accomplishment alone. All medical fields combine science with care, however labor and delivery touches a special

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Countrywide - 1127 Words

Countrywide was founded in 1969 and was one of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders. It used to hold about 17% of all United State’s mortgage and was listed as #91 among Fortune 500 companies. I chose the case study of Countrywide because it reminds me of the powerful era of the mortgage industry and how it collapsed leading to the chain reaction of economic and financial crisis; creating almost depression symptoms in the housing market, and pushing the economy to the edge of recession. Countrywide was not the only mortgage company that seeked for continuous profits. There were other giants like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that were successful in creating â€Å"liar loan† while overlooking the corporate social responsibility. It seems like the†¦show more content†¦Once upon a time, Countrywide was the nation’s largest mortgage lender; and today it is an embarrassment that even the remains of the name of the company has died out. After all the gov ernment bail- out plans to help the mortgage industry, financial services and the overall economy, the U.S. economy is experiencing recession with no significant improvement in real estate business. So what are the significant issues that remain unresolved? I believe that we have witnessed the collapse of the housing market which has lead to disastrous outcomes. But, who is to be blamed? While accusing and pointing a finger to the giant mortgage industries, we often forget that the other four fingers are pointing back to ourselves. Are we so naive to keep blaming only to the financial and mortgage industries (sellers)? My understanding is that the sellers deal is only as good as the buyer is willing to pay the price for it. Getting carried away to live the American dreams with limited earnings is a weakness that every human being is living with. We cannot just blame the corporations for strategizing to make profits, we as consumers have to make smart choices by knowing our limitatio ns on expenditures as well. If we are busy accusing companies for making unethical decisions, let us not make the same mistake by choosing to buy their services and products, let us question theirShow MoreRelatedCountrywide Home Loans ( Countrywide Hl )1466 Words   |  6 PagesCountrywide Home Loans (Countrywide HL) provide, service, and sell mortgage loans and after-loan services such as collections and payment processing. As a leader in the mortgage industry, they provide these products and services to homeowners through prime and subprime mortgage loans and subsequently resell these loans to investors. 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